p.m.s 50 face beat challenge.
This is the year ,we are tackling a 50 -day face beat challenge ,with this challenge we draw inspiration and grow our artistry and product knowledge as we stay and finish the challenge.
what is a Challenge ?
something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
There are several reasons why taking a makeup challenge is a great choice for us all.
well we had a really engaging conversations with my pal’s some love wearing makeup and well some love there skincare and good lip gloss but to all our functions we always wear makeup ,I mean those are some of the reasons you should befriend a makeup artist .
Is makeup a ‘waste of money’ ?
The response depends on your perspective and spending habits,I been an entrepreneur and turning my curiosity of makeup artistry into a business I observe just how a new lipstick lifts a clients mood instantly ,you at times feel like you are interacting with different individuals in one.
some find it unnecessary and extravagant,others find it a valuable tool for self-expression and boosting confidence,especially when used thoughtfully and within a budget.
we all have made impulsive purchases ,we buy high end brands beyond what you need and know how to use or wear ,the hype or trend can blind us and we quickly forget to buy what has ran out from your makeup kit /pouch .
Makeup boosts our confidence and its a form of artistic expression ,this allows you to experiment with different looks.
Investing on high-quality ,versatile makeup products can be cost effective than buying many cheap items.
With our P.M.S Face beat challenge my goal for all of you is to enjoy makeup and just have fun creating looks with like minded makeup lovers ,once we hit the tenth day we shall all have gathered momentum ,looking good ,feeling good ,achieving one goal that is so good for your self -esteem ,almost setting the tone on which you want to be addressed at or with .
Another reason I would love it for you to join our face beat challenge is you will get to use all that makeup you have been pilling up in your vanity table dresser at home etc
Finally you will get lots of makeup skills and tips ,learn new trends and really get some good me time ,interact with yourself and look great before you ran out doing what you do best and love ,I say this with so much kindness and light.
check us on on our socials media accounts and let us know ,are you joining us in this challenge
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